
Whats is Polyurethane ?

Polyurethane consists of two compounds Polyols and Isocyanates. One of the best thermal insulation materials available and also the most versatile insulating material. Polyurethane has many uses in our everyday life and is applied in many situations. It can be found in a wide range of products from the creation of rubber pads, shoe soles to the creation of machinery, furniture but mainly as an insulating material. It does not have joints and significantly reduces cooling-heating costs. It has one of the lowest coefficient of thermal conductivity λ = 0.021 W / m * K of all heat insulating materials.

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam or PU foam is used for insulation purposes and is the most suitable material for the insulation of buildings, tanks, refrigerators, roof tiles, perimeter walls, cold storage chambers, food service chambers, livestock and poultry farms.

Once applied it exhibits perfect adhesion with any building material (concrete, marble, stone, wood, etc.) and does not have joints while significantly reducing the cooling-heating costs.

In terms of tensile strength polyurethane foam can withstand stresses ranging from 20 to 30 N / cm2 and a water vapor diffusion coefficient of 50 to over 100 hence exhibiting extremely low moisture absorption.

It is essentially a waterproof material due to its molecular structure. Polyurethane foam is resistant to fire and is non-toxic and is also suitable for old constructions as it does not add any significant weight to the load bearing structure of the building.

Method Of Application

  • Clean areas to be covered with special watering or sandblasting equipment to loosen particles and other undesirable objects from the roof such as moss and fungi
  • To be applied on surfaces free of loose materials and moisture
  • Can be sprayed in any direction (horizontally, vertically, inversely)

Advantages of Polyurethane

  • Thermal insulation and waterproofing
  • Temperature resistance from -50 ° C to +120 ° C
  • Significant cost saving for heating, air conditioning and repairs since it eliminates the need for double masonry in new buildings
  • Perfect adhesion to the surface applied
  • Can be applied to old buildings
  • Zero load on the load-bearing structure due to the very low weight per square meter
  • Easy to apply, large surfaces can be covered in a short time
  • Long service life with no maintenance
  • Can be applied to hollow/curved surfaces or surfaces with architectural particularities
  • Can be applied to vertical and hidden surfaces
  • Can be applied any season of the year
  • Minimizes failures as there are no joints
  • Resistance to loads
  • Resistance to extreme weather conditions
  • Reduction of CO2 emissions
  • Zero ozone burden

For examples of projects that we have already completed using polyurethane click on the link below.

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