
What is Insulation ?

Insulation is the isolation of a volume of space from liquids, heat or cold, from sound and, in special cases, from radioactivity or the isolation of a duct.

In order to achieve the insulation, we use specialized, suitable materials with thermal insulating soundproofing or sealing properties.

Some of these materials are polyurea, polyurethane, polystyrene, asphaltenes etc.

Building Insulation

The term building insulation widely refers to any object or material that is used inside of building for insulation purposes.

The use of such materials is mainly aimed at the thermal insulation of parts of the building, but the term also applies to sound insulation, fire protection, impact insulation (industrial applications).

Many times the insulating materials are selected in such a way as to perform many of the above fore mentioned functions in parallel.

Type of Building Insulation

Insulation in buildings is distinguished into three major categories: thermal insulation, waterproofing and sound insulation.